fuckin smoker needs a car
so a whilenow I been busin at The Old Gate this jerked up white linne joint gougin' over thirty bucks a plate for dainty continenetal shit filet mginon dover sole steak diane veal oscar etc baby carrot, bullshit. cool dope is the xtian who runs the joint is the only moral man in the biz aand keeps a real stiff tip tally and book, makin sure none of his staff lies on underreporting tips, so I get a pretty good share 'a that shit and can sock away a buck now an then. got to thinkin and realized its been a while since this old burn had a car sop I'm gonna put a few away for some wheels. thinkin probably can get an old Jimmy 4x4 under around eigh thundo an finally hook up that cb/scanner unit I traded jose for.
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